First RPA Journey
RPA achieved it's position as an important tool in any corporate solutions arsenal. The question is no longer if to use RPA but how to start. RPA is already in use cross vertical and company size.
As any corporate solution, the key for success is to design the system to support and enhance your business and be user friendly, otherwise it wont be in use. The challenge of designing a good RPA solution is even bigger than any other corporate system, since RPA is a toolkit and not a standalone system. It allows companies to automate processes on top of the existing systems and the existing systems and processes are a major part in your first RPA implementation.
Before starting your first RPA journey there are some key questions to ask:
What is the short and long term targets of the company. what are the immediate challenges you would like to solve and where should the company be in 3 years from now.
How much time and effort are you willing to invest and what are the results you are expecting to see.
are you willing to invest in an internal RPA team or do you prefer to relay on system integrator to deliver any RPA new project and maintain the existing ones?
There are many RPA vendors in the market . Most of them are very good, each vendor has it's strengths and weaknesses. As a rule of thumb it is better to choose the vendor once you have your RPA strategy defined, however, you will be able to achieve same results with most of the RPA tools. The key for success is to set your expectation from the RPA project and build your strategy accordingly.
We are Valor have a 10+ years of experience supporting global customers from every vertical and size and design a well defined, scalable, RPA strategy. Our strategy is Start Small Think Big. Our approach is assisting our customers with a phased approach RPA journey, so in couple of months they have a solid ROI and guiding them how to continue and scale up using RPA as key player in their strategic business journey.
We have several methods assisting new RPA users including ad-hoc RPA consulting meeting, quick and focused workshop to define your RPA strategy or full support with defining your RPA strategy, design your initial project, choose vendor and build your internal RPA team.
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